
Steve forbes flat tax
Steve forbes flat tax

Woman: "How much of the vote do you want out of Iowa?" Man: "As many as we can get.")

steve forbes flat tax

Forbes balance the need for environmental protection with the needs of business? Linda Killian prepared our report.

steve forbes flat tax

But beyond his own neighborhood, how would Mr. Concerns about noise, air pollution, and safety were more important than the right of a small businessman to expand, Mr. We do know that in 1993, Steve Forbes successfully campaigned to stop a private airport from expanding near his estate in Somerset County, New Jersey. But he's had little to say about an issue that voters are more and more concerned about: care for our environment. Forbes has spent a million dollars a day to get his message across, and his media blitz has boosted him to the top of the polls.

steve forbes flat tax

In particular, people are talking about how that flat tax he's been thumping would affect us all. As New Hampshire prepares to hold the first in the nation presidential primary, the candidacy of millionaire publisher turned politician Steve Forbes continues to dominate much of the debate.

Steve forbes flat tax